The primary objective was to create a visually appealing and user-friendly website for a wedding, integrating interactive features into the prototype to enhance user engagement and navigation. Ensuring that the website was optimized for both mobile and desktop devices was crucial. In addition, a welcoming animation was incorporated to add elegance to the user interface. Furthermore, I included my custom illustrations, designed specifically for this Bali wedding, to give the website a personal touch.
The website features an engaging interactive animation that perfectly complements the theme of a Bali-themed wedding. The illustrations are meticulously designed to blend in with the wedding's overall ambiance, capturing the essence and spirit of Bali throughout the browsing experience.
View Desktop PrototypeThe mobile version of the website has a standard hamburger menu. To improve the user experience and replicate the feel of a mobile website, an overlay interaction was added.The main purpose of this overlay interaction is to offer a smooth and easy-to-use navigation experience that is similar to what users would expect on a mobile device.
View Mobile Prototype